Why does INDIA Rank 126th Place in the World Happiness Report 2024?

Anju Jagarwal
4 min readMay 19, 2021

Why people of India are so unhappy to come down this low according to the UN World Happiness Report?

smile costs nothing
Photo by A.R.T.Paola on Unsplash

It does crush the pride of a nation to find itself ranked as low as 139th in a global ranking of happiness. I always wondered why India ranks 139th place in this report by the UN. Why India ranked 140th in 2019 and 144th in 2020 & Why Finland is the most’s happiest country? And then the things just come to my mind all the things that make me unhappy, all the things that make people unhappy. There are things many things like extensive welfare benefits, a well-functioning, low levels of corruption, and an instilled sense of freedom and independence, which is most of a big part of happiness. But I’m not going to talk about all of that in my Piece. I’going to talk about things which make me feel unhappy & I’m sure these things make India most of the young people find disturbing. Much as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, happiness is a state of mind. And like all things mental, happiness is subtle and delicate. Despite being the ultimate motivation behind all our actions in this world, only a few people genuinely experience happiness in today’s hectic and fast-paced world.

“The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” — Martha Washington

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony” — Mahatma Gandhi

What are the changes we need to make India have a happy and positive life?

India needs to take responsibility to slow the gap between its generations.

There are people like me in India who feel that they are very different from their parents and grandparents. I usually like it when I like something and my parents permit me to do that work, without any question, but it is impossible right now in India. People of India are stuck between things they want to do & the things their parents want them to do. In India, you live with your parents. it’s not compulsory to live with your parents, but there are the things people of India believe. In India, you not only live with your parents, but you live with 3 generations in one home, Your grandparents give you extra love. Many of your other house people going to tell you things that you do not believe, but you need to do them because you can’t say no to your elders. These are some random points why Indian youth is so unhappy because you can’t find your privacy. They want different things from their parents but at the end of day one, you live with them because you finally depend on them, so you can't make a decision on your own you need to do things your parents want you to do too. & that’s why this youth of India is so unhappy.

That money cannot buy happiness is a known proposition or a myth.

People Just assume If you’re rich you feel happy, but this is not Truth. According to the old-school model, People just link Happiness to Material things & Money But the past year many of the richest & developed countries have been in suicide rates and depression. So right now we can’t just assume is just that if you are rich you are going to be happy that is not the case. You need to know many of the happy countries that have topped the ranking have risen to their pole more on intangibles like social capital, trust, and generosity than the conventional measures of prosperity. This finding must add to India’s happiness of the values. You know it’s funny how Generations of people from all over the world have been coming here to find true happiness.

You are one of the 1.39 billion people in the world, so it’s up to you how can you improve the ranking of your country.

Hence, if you logically ask you can’t do much to improve the happiness rating of India because even if multiply your happiness several times, it is hardly going to make any difference in the ranking of India in terms of happiness. However, you are making yourself happy, if you want to make difference in society and keep everyone around happy. You need to understand that you are like an Alchemist who has the power to transform everything into gold simply by touching your soul.

PS:- This piece is not about the rank or figures but is about the feelings of a young girl.




Anju Jagarwal

A happy soul who believes in good things.& I Believe In soul mates!❤ If you would like to receive new stories from my side, please subscribe to my email.